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Slip/Trip & Falls: What You Need to Know


Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents happen when a dangerous condition of a property causes someone to fall and be injured. It may come as a surprise that falls are the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related death. According to the National Safety Council, Slip/Trip and Fall accidents are one of the single largest causes of emergency room visits for both workers and the public - in 2016 alone, 9.2 million people needed emergency medical treatment for fall-related injuries.

Slips/Trips and Falls can occur anywhere, inside or outside – this includes retail stores, job sites, markets, offices, schools, playgrounds, campuses, manufacturing facilities, or even your own apartment building. A fall can end in an injury, death, or disability in a split second.

These types of accidents can be caused directly or indirectly. An example of a direct cause of a slip and fall accident is wet, slippery or newly waxed floors that causes someone to lose their balance and fall. In stores, our attention is drawn to merchandise on shelves or in freezer cases, so our attention is not always on the floor where we are walking. Some examples of indirect causes include dim lighting, unlit or poorly lit parking lots and walkways, or damaged stairways.

While every Slip/Trip and Fall accident is unique, a common theme arises. When a property owner fails to take affirmative actions to keep their premises safe for others, accidents can and will occur. The law requires property owners to take reasonable steps to keep their properties free of hazardous conditions. And as an invitee, you should be able to have confidence that the appropriate measures are taken to keep you safe. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.


The Oakes Firm is dedicated to helping injured people and grieving families obtain answers, justice, and full compensation. If you or a loved one have been injured because of a Slip/Trip and Fall, don’t hesitate to contact us now. We are available 24/7 for a free case consultation to evaluate your potential claims. Learn how an award-winning Philadelphia personal injury lawyer at The Oakes Firm can get you the help you need and the money you deserve.

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